Roger Morrison's Clinically Verified Materia Medica vol 1 is out now
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by Roger Morrison
What began as a simple update to Dr. Morrison’s Desktop Guide evolved into something far more profound. During the process, Dr. Morrison drew from an extensive archive of cured cases—gathered over three decades from journals, seminars, personal cases, and those of colleagues—collected alongside his wife, Nancy Herrick.
Initially, these cases served to verify and refine his understanding of the remedies. However, as the project progressed, Dr. Morrison shifted his approach: rather than relying on theory, he focused exclusively on what the cured cases revealed.
The result is a Materia Medica built entirely on verified, cured symptoms—offering the most accurate, comprehensive, and dynamic portrait of each remedy available today.
This groundbreaking work is now presented in Clinically Verified Materia Medica
A word from Dr. Morrison on bringing Clinically Verified Materia Medica to life:
“I began work on this book in 2010 when I realized my original Desktop Guide was in need of
an update. This was mainly because of the availability of many new Materia Medicas, new
case books, new provings of new remedies, new work on the periodic table, plant families
and countless other innovations and creative work in the field of homeopathy. I felt a need to
synthesize as best I could, all of that new information. Also, for my own edification, I wanted
to study in detail all of these advances to help me in my own practice. By doing so, I hoped
to make my Desktop Guide more useful to the profession. Little did I realize where such an
endeavor would lead me.
This book, Clinically Verified Materia Medica, includes extensive additions and insights (and
even some subtractions) into each remedy picture. This information came only in small part
from my own cases and over 40 years of homeopathic practice, but mainly from intensive
study of thousands of cured cases from hundreds of homeopaths all over the world. I was put
in a position to construct this text by two strokes of sheer luck.
The first stroke of luck was in my education, for in this, I have been the most fortunate
of homeopaths. I have had unparelleled opportunity of prolonged and intimate study with
two of the greatest homeopaths of our age: First with George Vithoulkas and later with Rajan
Sankaran. This background gave me a breadth of understanding of remedies, of patients
and of case analysis. In short, it helped me to be able to see these thousands of cured cases
objectively and deeply.
The second stroke of luck was to have married my divinely inspired wife and partner,
Nancy Herrick. In the early 1980s, Nancy began collecting and filing cured cases for every
remedy and eventually convinced me to do the same. She collected cases from every journal,
seminar, conference, co-worker, colleague, from our own students and our own practices. We
also found every book available with large numbers of cases from authors all over the world
and scoured e-journals.
By the time I began working on this text, our files were filled with almost 10,000 cured
and solid cases – mainly cured by one remedy alone. The fact that these cases came from
a huge number of different authors and different approaches to case analysis was in the
long run one of the most important sources of strength in this book. Any one prescriber
can develop a skewed view of the remedy, but when the work of hundreds of prescribers is
combined, we have a more reliable set of data.
At the beginning of what I thought was an update of my existing book, I used the cured
case files rather casually. After all, I was going to write what I “knew” about the remedy more
or less regardless of what was in the cured cases. After I had written a remedy chapter, I read
through some of the cases to see how my chapter and the cured cases aligned. The work was
my best effort but there was something missing – missing because I had yet to understand the
meaning and power of the cured cases.
It took some years of work before the value of the cured cases dawned on me – before I
began to take this resource seriously. What I discovered in these cured cases was a startling
congruence of information – patients from completely independent authors used the exact
same words to describe themselves and their pathology. Eventually the evidence of my own
eyes made me take stock and realize I was sitting on a goldmine of information – a goldmine
that could help clarify what was most useful from the many new ideas and sometimes
contradictory images of remedies – a goldmine that could help us find a path to truth.
As I spent more and more time on the cured cases while writing, one day I thought, “What
if these cured cases are not just meant to assist in my writing about this remedy, what if they
are more important than anything I am writing? What if these cases are The Remedy itself?”
In that very moment I decided to shift to writing only what was found in the cases, exactly as
ithe information was presented, ignoring everything I thought I knew or had been told about
the remedy. In essence, I decided to let the cured cases speak for themselves – to let myself be
the instrument for their silent voices. The result was remedy chapters that were more direct
and precise, without ambiguity, exaggeration or conjecture.
This meant that I had to restart the book, scrapping some years of previous effort in the
process. I rewrote all of the remedy chapters from this new perspective and eventually
found my new role to be more like a reporter or translator than an author. The cured cases
thus became the actual author of the book, and I was merely the scribe or the interpreter.
Therefore, since this would be an entirely different book than the Desktop Guide, I decided to
entitle this new book, Clinically Verified Materia Medica.
I see this book as an effort at clarification of the Materia Medica as well as adding to
it. Using cured cases gives us a reality check. Without such cross-referencing and reality-
checking methods, homeopathy can become an elaborate echo chamber. The risk is that
each new author repeats the same truths and mistakes, reinforcing both the good and the
misleading and ceasing forward movement altogether. But a reporter or translator has a
sacred task to be as faithful and accurate as possible to his sources. In this case, my source was
the work of the entire homeopathic community – the best case work published or spoken.
Homeopathy is an evolving science. We homeopaths have been flexible. We adopted
remedies from the allopaths, herbalists, native healers, wise women and basically anywhere
we found them. In most (but far from all) instances, someone then performed a proving of
the remedy, but how do we make progress from here?
Provings are the first step in unlocking the inner story of the our remedies. Once we have
a proving, the next step is to cure somebody with the remedy. This takes the remedy from the
realm of theory to reality. The cured cases eventually surpass the proving and show which
proving symptoms were most reliable. They also put the proving symptoms into context.
After enough cases are cured, we can begin to consolidate a picture of the remedy.
Brilliant minds often see deeply into the patients who were deeply cured (Kent, Phatak,
Vithoulkas, Sankaran). This gives us the “Essence” or “Genius” images that have helped
homeopaths for two centuries. Our current creative minds have then gone further – developing
knowledge about groups of remedies (the periodic table, the plant and animal families,
sarcodes, etc.). So while the proving is the first step, the cured cases give us the “final court of
arbitration.” This current book is intended to document this final form of information.
I feel an intense responsibility in writing this book to get to the heart of the cases, to state
the results as clearly and simply as possible and to put the information in a form that is pleasing
to the eye and easy to reference. My whole purpose in writing this textbook is to give you, my
cherished colleagues and students of our beloved homeopathy, a tool which you richly deserve.
I truly hope and believe this book will help you find remedies for your patients, will help you
with your decision-making in practice and will give you more certainty and confidence in your
prescriptions. May it be a companion to you on this often difficult path.
With love and respect and tenderness to all homeopaths everywhere,
—Roger “
Available on Amazon through Hahnemann Clinic Publishing
by Nancy Herrick
New provings of Lotus, Ginseng, Mandragora, Rosa Gallica (ancient yellow rose), Rosa St. Francis (the St Francis rose), Ayahuasca and Anhalonium. This book offers extensive descriptions of the natural history, folklore and folk uses of the proving plants. More importantly, the entire proving, major themes, salient prescribing features and repertory rubrics are included for each plant. This is the last of the series of provings from Hahnemann college and represents nine years of intense efforts on the part of many of the students with Nancy Herrick as the proving master.
“Nancy’s book on Sacred Plants opens up a vital area which has not received enough justice so far. Like her book on Animal provings, this one too shows her painstaking research into each plant, followed by a detailed proving which is grouped according to themes and then made accessible by accurate indexing into rubrics. This very important work will go a long way in bringing these Sacred Plants to good use in Homeopathy.” (Reviewed by Rajan Sankaran)
Available on Amazon through Hahnemann Clinic Publishing
by Nancy Herrick
New provings of 8 animal remedies: Horse, Wolf, Lion, Dolphin, Elephant, Rat, California Sister Butterfly, and Maiasaurus (dinosaur) bone. The book gives extensive information regarding the zoology and mythology surrounding each animal. The themes of each proving are carefully explored, rubrics are created and listed and the entire proving for each animal is provided.
“This book is a collection of eight provings which includes much of the rich information about the signature and origins of the lives of the beasts from which the proving substances are obtained. Sanquis soricis (Rat's blood), Lac loxodonta africana (Elephant's milk), Lac ieoninum (Lion's milk), Lac lupinum (Wolf's milk), Lac delphinum (Dolphin's milk), Maiasaura lapidea (Fossilized dinosaur bone), Limentis bredowii (Butterfly), Lac equinum (Mare's milk).
Each proving is presented in an identical format. The animal and its life is described, with a brief description of how the substance was obtained. This description includes a mention of themes which are integrated with the life of the animal.” (Reviewed by Francis Treuherz)
“There is a moment where homeopathy becomes something much greater – a reflection of the mystery of life. Nancy Herrick has skillfully, amazingly captured that moment in her provings. I believe that her work represents the cutting edge of homeopathy." (Recommendation by David Kent Warkentin, P.A., creator of MacRepertory and Reference Works)
Available on Amazon through Hahnemann Clinic Publishing
by Nancy Herrick and Roger Morrison, MD
After years of studying Dr Sankaran’s system of Miasm, Nancy Herrick and Dr. Morrison
reached a simple way of describing and explaining the approach. Using numerous
case examples to demonstrate the various aspects of each miasm, the reader gains a
clear understanding of this powerful tool for finding the similimum. The book gives a
theoretic understanding of the field of miasm and detailed charts of which remedies
fall in each miasm.
Available on Amazon through Hahnemann Clinic Publishing
by Roger Morrison, MD
“This is a book that took some courage to write and badly needed to be written. Although wholly contemporary in feeling and style, it speaks to the dilemma of busy homeopathic physicians in every time and place: how to keep doing quality work under pressure of time, reputation, and ever more difficult and demanding cases to come up with creditable prescriptions without delay.
Dr. Morrison states ‘The purpose of this book is threefold: It is meant first as an aid to be used at the time of the interview to cue the practitioner toward likely remedies for a particular condition. The second is as a study guide, bringing the main points of the remedies into focus. And finally, (the third is) to give advice about treatment based on the experience of myself and my colleagues at our center. The book as it stands is splendid and unequaled elsewhere. It could well become an important achievement for the society at large in the future." (Reviewed by Richard Moskowitz, MD, DHT)
Available on Amazon through Hahnemann Clinic Publishing
by Roger Morrison, MD
“Which homeopathic book in my library gets the most use? It is definitely not the Desktop Guide. This book has never been in my library. It sits on my desk in my consultation room for ready access, and I refer to it frequently throughout each and every day of homeopathic practice. The Desktop Guide replaced my copy of Boericke's Materia Medica with repertory on the day I received it in the mail. I find it far more useful than Boericke , more relevant to clinical practice.
Morrison's Desktop Guide is a very useful reference in the clinical setting. He has compiled and distinguished the most important symptoms of nearly 300 remedies. It takes very little time during a consultation to pick out important points that may lead to the confirmation or elimination of a remedy which is being considered.
I recommend this book as the most practical materia medica you are likely to own. As its title suggests, it belongs on your desk, not on your library shelf.” (Reviewed by Dean Crothers, MD)
“The information is reliable and clearly presented in such a form as may be easily accessed in the midst of the demands of everyday practice. Yet the true depth and precision of this text only reveals itself after careful study and reflection in the quiet of one's own home." (Forward by Jonathan Shore, MD and Bill Gray, MD)
Available on Amazon through Hahnemann Clinic Publishing
by Roger Morrison, MD
This book explores the carbon-based remedies used in homeopathy. The first section describes the underlying mental, general and physical characteristics common to the entire group. The text then details the known material medica of over 140 carbon remedies currently in homeopathic use. Finally an extensive appendix aides in the case-analysis and differentiation of this complex group of remedies.
“I cannot say enough about how impressed I am with the amount of work that went into creating this incredible resource. Now that Roger has presented this information in such a usable form, it is our task as homeopaths to find out how we can use it to help our patients recover. For those of you who find these new ideas about remedy families and relationships appealing, I encourage you to try out this information and feed back to the community your observations and experiences.
I can highly recommend Roger Morrison’s book and workshop, Carbon: Organic and Hydrocarbon Remedies in Homeopathy. I believe they are valuable additions to the many new resources available today. However, even without the new ideas on analysis, the 649 pages of materia medica on the organic compound and carbon remedies consolidated in this book makes it a ‘must have’ resource.” (From the review by Randall Bradley Simillimum, Summer/Fall 2006)
Available on Amazon through Hahnemann Clinic Publishing